Monday 6 April 2015

Lingayen Gulf Beach.

Since my family decided to spend our holy week vacation in Pangasinan, I decided to enjoy and explore the beauty of our hometown. I found out to my cousin that Lingayen beach is one of the best place to visit in Pangasinan. Since lingayen beach is 24.7 Km or 40 minutes away from us (Mangaldan Pangasinan) We decided to go after lunch.

How to go get there: 

-From Salay mangaldan pangasinan we ride a jeep back to Dagupan city for P10.

-From Dagupan we ride a bus going to mangatarem or any bus going to Lingayen capitol, You will pay another P10 for that bus ride. 

(Or ask the konduktor to drop you at lingayen capitol)

 After a 40 mins you will reach first the lingayen capitol.
The beach is at the back of the Lingayen capitol so you just have to take a little walk to reach the beach

You can stay here for free anytime and as long as you want.

They said there are no more free in this Planet, but evidently Lingayen is a living legacy where mostly is for free. Visiting the Beach doesn't cost you anything, sitting at the nearby hut places is for free that you could stay as long as you want. Security Guards are around maintaining the peacefulness of the location and it is also free. Approachable maintenance team maintain cleanliness to its place, you can be a visitor in your own place as they serve you well.

I must say People living in Pangasinan are very much lucky to have the beautiful place like Lingayen. It is a perfect place to spend a vacation, aside from that the beach will give you a full relaxation and Stress free.

Visit Lingayen and see the difference why they say it is the best place to Live, Work and Build Family!

-Free stay at Nipa huts
-No Entrance fee
-No Parking Fee
-They have very approachable staff
-Nice view
-Clean water and fresh air
-Food vendors near the entrance
-Over night is allowed

thank you for reading my blog! Just leave your comment if you want. 
Twitter: @frytzPOGI.